I'm a father, guitar player and work in the audio software and hardware industry. I started making my own soap because I was frustrated with commercial soap ingredients, palm oil, chemicals, perfumes. I would shop the health food stores and festivals for more friendly and nourishing soaps. Finally I decided to just make my own, my garden has lavender, rosemary, sage and in the spring sunflowers and poppies. I experimented for months and was really pleased with my first honey and lavender soaps, all my honey is from local suppliers and the lavender comes from my own plants. I strive to put only organic and natural ingredients in my soaps which never contain palm oil and are made in small batches so I can control the quality ( I don't have the ability to make huge batches anyway ). I also try out every soap I make and if I don't approve of it I won't sell it.
The things I most want in a soap are decent lather, nourishing and natural ingredients and I like them to be pleasing to the eye. There are a lot of soaps on the market, I hope people will try mine and support a local very small business made with mostly local ingredients. If you ever have a question about any of my soaps please contact me atsoapsonsj@yahoo.com.